Contact & Booking & Check-in

Check-in for busses

PLEASE NOTE: From 3 July 2023, pre-booked busses can provide a copy of their booking confirmation instead of a filled-out bus voucher.

In addition, the old bus voucher will no longer be used, instead busses without pre-booking will have to fill out a check-in form.

Important information: The travel documents prepared by the bus companies / tour operators themselves will be still accepted.

From 3 July 2023, you will only need a copy of your booking confirmation for pre-booked busses.

Instead of needing to fill out the bus voucher form, all you need to do is confirm:

- Your bus registration number (this is not shown on your booking)

- Number of passengers on the bus incl. driver and guide (this may be different from your booking)

- Length of the bus incl. any trailer

Remember to check your ticket before leaving check-in:

It is generally the driver's responsibility to check the ticket before leaving check-in. The ticket implies acceptance that the information provided at check-in is correct.

We recommend that you, as the bus company/travel organiser, keep and file your ticket.

The above change to use only booking confirmations instead of bus voucher forms only applies to busses with pre-bookings.

If you arrive at check-in without a pre-booking, you still need to bring and hand over a check-in form which you can print here or is available at check-in.

Check-in form (click on the picture)


Our group department will be glad to help you with any inquiries you may have about bus bookings
Booking and Information:
Phone: +370 672 62707

Book your Bus ticket

Official page of UAB Silver Nimbus, preferred sales partner of Scandlines for Baltic Region and Russia